Flood Update 7/3/2018

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Create DateJuly 3, 2018
Last UpdatedJuly 3, 2018
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FLOOD UPDATE – 7/3/2018

The Board of Selectmen received the following emails from representatives of FEMA regarding our hazard mitigation plan for the River Street bridge. Please note that this is still a work in progress as noted by the marking of DRAFT on the document.


From: Swank, Theresa
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 1:00 PM
To: Hughes, Max
Subject: Bartlett HMP Draft


I am sending this draft write up to my chain of command. When I get the green light to release this draft I will let you know so you can share it with our applicant.

Here is a basic write up for the HMP verbally requested by our applicant. I recommend our applicant consider additional erosion control measures if there is an interest or budget for such considerations.  The applicant will be covered for their requested mitigation measure up to 100% of the cost of the pre-disaster repair.

Thank you,

Theresa M Swank


Hazard Mitigation Crew Lead


To: Bartlett Board of Selectmen

From: Hughes, Max

Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 14:06

Good morning,

Please review the hazard mitigation proposal for the river street bridge. If you would like to go through with this mitigation, please get a cost estimate for the wing walls extensions and we can move forward with submitting it with the project.


Max Hughes

FEMA Public Assistance

Program Delivery Manager

1750 Elm St, 11th Floor

Manchester, NH 03104

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