Bartlett Ordinances and Regulations
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The Town of Bartlett officials closely monitor compliance with the following ordinances, regulations, and by-laws. This list is provided to make people aware that these regulations exist and a summary of each regulation appears here. Complete descriptions may be obtained from the Selectmen’s Office and any questions should be directed to that office.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ORDINANCE: Prohibits drinking of alcoholic beverages in public places. Violation: fine of $25.00.
BUILDING PERMIT ORDINANCE: Required for construction of signs, structures, change of use, renovations, additions, sheds, etc. which would affect property value and/or to which zoning requirements apply. Violation: fine of up to $275/day.
DOG LEASH BY-LAW: Requires that all dogs be restrained by leash or under direct control of owner. Violation: fine of up to $100.00 plus board reimbursement.
DRIVEWAY PERMIT ORDINANCE: Requires that permits to install a driveway be obtained.
ELECTIONEERING ORDINANCE: Eliminates all electioneering or signature gathering on town or school owned property at any meetings or elections held within the Town of Bartlett.
EXCAVATION PERMIT REGULATION: Requires permits to be acquired at least 24 hours prior to any excavation in a town road. Violation: fine of $100.00.
FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE: Governs activity in the floodplain.
GRAVEL PIT ORDINANCE: Governs excavation of gravel pits.
ILLEGAL DUMPING ORDINANCE: Prohibits dumping and littering other than at authorized areas at the Transfer Station. Violation: fine of $100.00.
PERMIT TO OCCUPY ORDINANCE: Required prior to occupancy of any construction that is intended for habitation or for which a septic system is required. Violation: fine of up to $1000.00 and/or $10.00 per day for each day of violation.
SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ORDINANCE: Governs the design and construction of septic systems and requires all septic system designs, prior to submission to the State, to be reviewed by the Selectmen’s Office. Fee of $50.00 per design.
SITE PLAN REVIEW REGULATIONS: Governs the review and approval/disapproval by the Planning Board of site plans for the development, change, or expansion of use of non-residential tracts where the total square footage of the footprint of the building(s) is greater than 5,000 square feet.
SNOW PLOWING REGULATION: Prohibits the plowing of snow into or across any town road.
SPECIAL EVENTS ORDINANCE: Regulates the conduct of special events held in the town, application must be made 90 days prior to the event, and may require a public hearing.
TEST PIT INSPECTION ORDINANCE: Requires inspection of test pits by a representative of the town prior to application for a State septic design approval. Fee of $50.00 per pit dug.
WINTER PARKING ORDINANCE: Prohibits parking on town streets between November 1 and May 1 (24 hours a day). Violation: fine of up to $50.00 plus towing charges.
ZONING ORDINANCE: Addresses the regulation of such items as signs, setbacks, density, green areas, frontage, permitted uses, telecommunications, ridgeline development, etc.
Town of Bartlett Zoning Ordinance – amended March 8, 2022
Town Street Regulation – amended 8/12/2022
Telecommunications Ordinance -revised 2019
Septic Design and Construction Ordinance

Special Events License Criteria & Application
Excavate in a Town Road Permit
Cell Tower Modification and Application Form